Bulldog Locksmith

Bulldog Locksmith

Door locks are essential; there is no second opinion about them. However, lately door locks are more than just keeping the door closed. With the increasing concern of security reasons, people now use a variety of locks to ensure that their safety is not compromised. Be it residential areas or commercial places; door locks are always of high significance.

While we are at it, talking about the door locks, let’s discover the best door locks that you can opt for your business. Commercial break-ins are very common. Hence, every commercial building owner needs to have proper knowledge of all the types of door locks to make better security decisions.

Types Of Best Door Locks for Your Business

Let’s explore the types of locks that you can install for greater security for your business.

1.    Cylindrical Lever Locks

Cylindrical lever locks are the most basic and commonly used locks. This type of door lock is ideal in business facilities for inside the office doors. 

The lever handle is on either side of the door, making it easy to open from both sides- from inside and outside.

You can operate lever locks with either the key or even with the push button.

However, they don’t ensure a high level of security hence not used on the main doors of the business. 

2.    Deadbolt Locks

Deadbolt locks have a steel bolt that extends to the door jamb ensuring more secure doors than normal locks for the business doors. 

The reason why businesses prefer installing deadbolt locks on business doors is the greater level of security that it provides. In addition, they are sturdy, strong, and effective. 

If you have a business office located in Colleyville or Grand Pierre, Texas, then there are high chances that you have security threats hanging over your head all the time. However, when you install deadbolt locks on your business doors, you completely eliminate such chances; there is peace of mind and no fear of intrusion or any theft in the business capacity.

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3.    Mortise Locks

Business places have high foot traffic on a daily basis, which means greater and rougher use of the door locks. In that case, only reliable, sturdy, and powerful locks work best.

And this is where mortise locks fit well. The internal hardware of the mortise lock comprises many things like a spindle, strike plate, rose plates, and much more. Together they add up to provide more strengthening and constant reliability to the business doors.

The best and most highlighted part of mortise locks is that they resist any forced entry, making them ideal to use if you have experienced any past robbery in the business facility, suspect and suspicious activity, or maybe your business operates in a place with high-security threats.

Another reason why mortise locks are more popular among commercial use is that they are durable. Its composition includes a deadbolt within the lock body, but since it’s not easily accessible, it becomes a challenge for the intruders to break in.

4.    Keypad Door Locks

When it comes to picking the best door lock for your business in today’s world, then is no way you won’t give keypad door locks a thought. With the passing times, they prove to be more credible, efficient, and effective in terms of results.

Also, did we mention they surely dismiss the need for keys? In offices, the keys are exchanged among different hands countless times. However, the real deal begins when the wrong person gets access to the key, which happens in most cases. The only way out of this is to not have the keys in the first place for the business locks.

While you might think that keypad door locks are confined to residential areas, they are gaining popularity commercially as well.

In offices with a high number of employees and footfall, it’s difficult to prevent any unauthorized access in various areas of the office. And that’s exactly where the keypad locks for business doors come in handy. You don’t have to fear the key traveling when the trusted people know the passcode, and they can enter the place.

Keypad Door lock

Picking The Best Door Locks for Your Business with The Help of a Trusted Locksmith

Despite digging deep and educating yourself about the various types of locks for business doors, it becomes overwhelming to pick the right lock. That’s where a reliable locksmith can help you. We at Bulldog locksmith caters to every commercial, residential, automotive, emergency lock requirement of our customers.

If you book your services with us, we will ensure that a highly trained and knowledgeable team of technicians shows up in your commercial area and suggest you the best type of lock for the business door that will suit your needs the best.


If you thought that security measures are essential but only for residential areas, then you are wrong. Security is equally important for businesses to prevent any loss. Hence, choose the right type of door lock and stay secured.

For having the best locksmith services for your business in Colleyville, contact Bulldog locksmith.

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